Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars

We’ll do it all everything on our own¹.


We don’t need anything or any²one.


☆If I lay³ here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?


I don’t quite know⁴ how to say, how I feel.


Those three words⁵ are said too much. They’re not enough.

3つの言葉(=I love you.)では言い表せない。それじゃ足りない。

If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?


Forget what we’re told. Before we get too old, show me a garden that’s bursting into life⁶.


Let’s waste time chasing cars around our heads.


I need your grace to remind me, to find my own.


If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?


Forget what we’re told. Before we get too old, show me a garden that’s bursting into life.


All that I am, all  that I ever was is here in your perfect eyes. They’re all I can see.


I don’t know where confused about how as well⁷. Just know that these things will never change for us at all⁸.


If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?


  1. on one’s own: 自分で(by one’s self, aloneとほぼ同意)
  2. not…any: 1つの…もない
    • 否定文での名詞前におく形容詞はsomeでなくany
  3. lay: このフレーズは仮定法なので過去形のlay
    • 横たわる(自動詞): lie-lay-lain-lying
    • 嘘をつく(自動詞): lie-lied-lied-lying
  4. not quite know: よく分からない
    • I don’t know. だけだとキツイ印象を与えることがあるが、quiteを加えることでより控えめで落ち着いた言い回しになる!
  5. those three words: I LOVE YOU♡
  6. life:
    1. 冠詞なし(不可算名詞)→“命・生命・生活”
    2. 人称代名詞や数詞などを付ける→“ある種の生活・人の命” ex) a happy life, several lives
  7. as well: too, alsoとほぼ同意
  8. never….at all: 否定の強調


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